Our work days are filled with so much noise; it can be extremely hard to stay on track with your objectives in any given day. Distractions are everywhere! Phones have become more acceptable in a work environment. Even if you’re working on your phone for business whether it be through email, slack, or any other apps – you’re still going to be bombarded with push notifications throughout your day!

Years ago I heard, that once you get off task from a distraction; it can take up to 15 minutes to get back on task! After some googling, I discovered that the University of California Irvine conducted a study that concluded “it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the task”. Are you kidding?! Who has time for this?!

I’ll spare you my meditation tips and other mind cleansing tactics I use to declutter my brain throughout the day (but if you’re interested, check out my Mojo Monday’s podcast).

The point here is that we are all very “busy” (for lack of a better word) and if your vendors are not making life easier for you, then what’s the point?

Here at SwagWorx, we make your Swag decisions quick and easy!


  1. Speed

One of my biggest pet peeves is waiting (typical millennial, right?) I was never the fastest athlete, but many have told me that in business no one is faster than me. However, speed to me is the bare minimum in business these days.

  1. Online Presentation Collaboration Tool (Wow, talk about a mouthful!)

After a brief conversation about the scope of your project, we create an online presentation for you the very same day! (There’s that speed again)
What’s so great about this? Well, it’s a collaborative tool that you can use to communicate with your co-workers in real time. You don’t need to set a meeting just to go over which swag items you want. You can simply open the link and give feedback at your convenience! Our clients love this as it really streamlines the process of choosing the Swag they want to represent their specific projects.

Here’s how it looks…

Step 1: Click the custom presentation link we send to you after our meeting or call

As you’ll see below we have a modern presentation style that displays different items based on the category you click in the top menu bar.

Step 2: Leave your feedback!

Just click any and all of the items you like and leave your feedback!

AND it’s that simple!

If you’re ready to take your Swag game to the next level, then go ahead take a peak at a few of our favorite items for 2019 on the link here.

You can always reach us at Create@SwagWorx.com or me directly at 408.220.6029 to talk about your specific needs.
Swag On,



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