I recently attended the largest “Swag Show” of the year in Las Vegas AKA the PPAI Expo. I love this show for so many reasons, but most of all I appreciate that the show takes place in early January so that we (swag people) get a chance to touch and feel new products in person to kick off the new year!
Every year at the show I discover new items and make new industry connections. But, you’re here for the products – so let’s just jump right in…
1. Charging Stations
We have a few different charging station options and I’m so stoked on this item for 2019!
TIP: Make sure to let attendees know you will have a charging station in your pre-show communications with attendees. As the show goes on, you’ll be sure to drive traffic just from word of mouth alone too!
The price on these guys is a bit higher, so another option instead of doing a charging station would be to gift your more important visitors of your booth with a new wireless power bank. We have lots of new options for wireless power banks! Here are a few of my favorites!
2. Holograms
You have to see this one to believe it! The power of using holograms is purely based on the surprise and delight … wow factor! I experienced it first hand and saw the traffic that was brought to this booth just because of the nature of seeing images being created and shifting within seconds.
Using holograms as apart of your booth experience will be something you will either be doing or seeing others doing moving forward. If you want to be ahead of the trend, email me (Sam@SwagWorx.com) and we can discuss some options that would make sense for your booth theme!
3. Cut & Sew Wearables
Cut and sew is hardly anything new. By now you surely know that with the right swag provider partner you can create 100% custom wearables for your team with the right lead time and minimums. Well, I’m here to let you know that we have shortened our lead times and made the minimums easier to reach!
In less than 2 months with just 50 pieces minimum we can deck your team out with everything from head to toe. Whether you need caps, socks, jackets, polo’s or anything between we can do a 100% custom cut and sew wearable trade show uniform just for you!
We do free mock-ups as well. Just send me a note (Sam@SwagWorx.com) to get started!
BONUS: Sugarfina
We now carry the Sugarfina brand!
This candy brand has blown up over recent years! This is huge news and there’s all sorts of ways we can incorporate Sugarfina into your events. If you’re trying to secure a key meeting or entice specific people mailing them a Sugarfina box a couple months ahead of your events could be something consider.
Another approach would be to gift these to top clients and prospects after they visit your booth.
Since there are so many different shapes and sizes to the Sugarfina offerings; it’d be best to hit me up by phone so we can chat about something that would work best for you! You can reach me at 408.220.6029.
Hope you dug these ideas! For more swag ideas and to start a project – well, by now you know how to reach me 🙂
Here’s a full list of our favorite trending items for 2019!
Swag On,